Occupational safety and health professionals can transform their company’s safety program from a compliance-driven cost center into a corporate sustainability initiative with help from the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP). ASSP’s comprehensive Safety Standards Toolbox on Sept. 24-25 will give registrants access to four webinars and nearly 50 voluntary national consensus standards that promote industry best practices and address leading causes of citations.
High-reliability organizations create the safest and most effective operations and then constantly re-assess for any possibility of failure before an incident occurs, including near-miss events.
You can’t deny the critical role of human dynamics when analyzing contributing factors to a workplace injury, or when developing interventions to prevent injuries and improve occupational safety and health.
In 2019, the U.S. is more health conscious than ever. Ninety-two percent of U.S. residents say it’s important to get an annual physical, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation, and 62 percent report actually getting the exam. It’s estimated about 44 million Americans get physicals ever year.
A desire to go beyond regulatory compliance and increase the safety of employees is behind a Minnesota manufacturer’s use of OSHA’s On-Site Consultation Program, through the Minnesota OSHA (MNOSHA) Workplace Safety Consultation (WSC). That’s how Malco Products, Specific Benefit Corporation (SBC), achieved an OSHA Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP) designation in 2004 – a designation it has maintained to this day.
Leader in safety & compliance meets highest international standards for protecting employees and visitors
August 14, 2019
J.J. Keller & Associates, Inc., the nation’s leading provider of safety and regulatory compliance solutions, announced today that it has achieved ISO 45001.2018 certification. ISO 45001 is the international standard outlining best practices for Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems. J.J. Keller is the first company in Wisconsin to be ISO 45001:2018 certified and the 17th company in the nation to attain this certification by DQS, Inc. since the ISO 45001 standard was introduced in 2018.
One of the biggest wake-up calls I had recently was when I realized the detrimental impact biases have in the world of safety. Most people recognize that biases exist in “the other guy” but fail to see these preconceived notions in themselves. SPOILER ALERT: We all have them, and they are putting all of us at risk.
Compared to small and "micro" businesses, larger companies have made more progress toward introducing the Total Worker Health (TWH) approach to worker health and safety, reports the August Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.
"Our results indicate a need for intervention research that specifically targets microbusinesses and small businesses, especially in light of the outsized health and safety risks encountered in these sectors of the economy," write Liliana Tenney, MPH, and colleagues of Colorado School of Public Health, University of Colorado, Aurora.
Teton Steel of Montana is a premier reinforcing steel outfit located in Billings, Montana. This employee-owned and locally run company is dedicated to serving their customers, which range from the individual looking to complete a driveway to the huge corporate manager building a super highway.
What is a High Reliability Organization? The work is highly technical and complex, operators require a high level of technical training and certification, and the consequences of error can be catastrophic. Hence, “it has to be done right every time.”