In spite of most investing in health and safety spending, nearly 1 in 10 businesses take no additional measures to address top holiday risks like fatigue, stress, and weather hazards.
Power generation plants are essential for meeting the world's energy needs, but they also pose significant hazards to workers. In this guide, we'll briefly explore the top hazards in power generation plants and discuss effective solutions to minimize risks and improve safety.
This article describes potential sources of combustible dust and outlines best inspection practices for OSH professionals, certified industrial hygienists and certified remediators to perform the suspect combustible dust inspection.
It may seem like there’s not much to worry about when working seemingly in the middle of nowhere, but there are potential hazards you may not have anticipated. Whether you’re a foreman or part of a team, it’s essential that you plan ahead so you can stay safe until the project’s completion.
In this episode, Andrew Scott, a Walking-Working Surfaces and Fall Protection Specialist (WWS) and AIA Presenter at SlipNOT® Metal Safety Flooring, talks about improving facility safety by eliminating hazards in the workplace.
While the number of fatal injuries has increased compared to 2020, it remains below pre-pandemic levels. That distinction may provide a level of comfort for some, but it does not take away from the fact that many of those accidents, injuries, and illnesses are preventable.