The worst time to realize your fleet’s safety program doesn’t measure up is when you’re answering questions in court, or at a deposition. Yet, even the best companies can find themselves in that uncomfortable position. If they do, it’s a sure bet the fleet’s own safety training program is where plaintiffs’ attorneys will look.
Winter can be a real drag, especially if you don’t have adequate protection for your environment. Effective PPE is a must during this time of year, when outdoor weather conditions can limit your ability to work and use your hands uncovered. When looking for your next winter glove, here are a few things to keep in mind.
Changes in technology and infrastructure have opened up new pathways for opportunities. The 2019 World of Concrete Education Program offers 187 sessions providing training and certification, safety, leadership and construction fundamentals and more—all vital to your growth and profitability.
When you’re shivering in the snow, the dangers of heat and flame probably aren’t the first things that come to mind. But even in cold weather, thermal hazards such as arc flash and flash fire pose a serious concern. In fact, when winter brings dry air and strong winds, it can literally help fan the flames.
Chronic pain we know about too well. The opioid onslaught has taught us that. The pressure to work through pain is real, particularly in industries with a macho ethos such as construction and oil and gas. But step back and look at a larger picture — chronic diseases — and the untold millions of adults who work through a chronic illness.
When you receive an employee injury report, your thoughts may range from, “How did it happen?” to “Well, there go my plans for the day.” After you make sure the employee is taken care of, you’ll need to investigate, determine what happened and how it could have been prevented, and figure out if the incident needs to be recorded on your OSHA 300 Log.
The comment period is now open for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) proposed objectives for Healthy People (HP) 2030. This includes proposed core objectives for Occupational Safety and Health (OSH).
The World Economic Forum “Global Competitiveness Report 2018” ranked the U.S. as the most competitive country in the world with an overall score of 86. The U.S. ranked 1st in labor market, financial systems and business dynamism categories.
Worksafe in Oakland, California has an opening for an Occupational & Environmental Health Specialist who will contribute scientific and technical expertise to Worksafe’s policy advocacy and trainings, and spearhead their efforts to protect workers from chemical hazards and toxic substances. The deadline for priority consideration is 12/12.
Many organizations have invested in automated external defibrillators (AEDs), medical devices designed for use by lay people to give victims of one of the nation’s leading killers — sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) — a fighting chance at survival.