Our company, Fenchurch Environmental Group, was founded over 20 years ago to offer a range of air filtration products and solutions to all industries including medical, domestic appliance, safety and ventilation.
Interviews with many war fighters returning from the battlefield have provided key insights into one of the most dramatic events these men and women share: Having to rescue injured comrades from burning vehicles.
According to a report from the United States Department of Labor, the combination of foot and toe injuries associated with private industries, goods production and service provision totaled more than 83,500 in 2009.
In the United States, respirator use in the workplace is regulated by OSHA, and employers allowing or requiring respiratory use must follow the requirements of OSHA’s Respiratory Protection Standard - 29 CFR 1910.134.
With winter fast approaching, it’s time to focus attention on warming PPE for workers who will be exposed to extreme weather conditions in the months ahead.
Whether you are a truck driver climbing out of your cab, a utility or construction worker on a roadside project, or a sanitation worker making pickups, you are in danger from traffic.