Donald F. Groce is executive vice president of Apollo Marketing. He is an analytical research chemist. Prior to his work in the personal protective clothing industry, he worked at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on environmental chemical toxicology studies including toxins such as Dioxin in the Agent Orange Study, PCBs and PBBs. He is a noted speaker and expert on various workplace hazards, and has written articles for ISHN on industrial gloves since 2006: “Responders need certified PPE”; “What is the best glove?” ; and “Biodegradable disposables meet customer demands”. Don has served as past chairman of the AIHA Protective Clothing and Equipment Committee.
As a new decade rolls into our world, will there be any new significant developments in safety, particularly in hand protection that will provide an even safer work environment than the past decade?
With the introduction of new age glove fibers to replace yesteryear’s leather and cotton work gloves, hand protection and personal protection equipment (PPE) is on an uptrend in winning the war against hand injuries.