Welders can now enjoy affordable protection from harmful particulate contaminants with the new Jackson Safety Brand R60 Airmax Powered Air Purifying Respirator (PAPR), which features a NIOSH-approved HE filter for particulate contaminants that can be easily set and locked into place.
The new Impacto® Turbotoe safety overshoe fits tightly over existing shoes, providing a solid protecting cap and an affordable alternative to footwear with built-in steel toe caps.
Honeywell Safety Products (HSP) introduces the A700 Slim eyewear, with the same stylish shape and proportions as the A700, but at a 10 percent smaller size for a closer, more comfortable fit for workers with small or narrow facial profiles.
Camfil Farr Air Pollution Control (APC) now offers its Gold Series® cartridge dust collector with an optional integrated HEPA safety monitoring filter.