Homeland Security is an intricate web of agencies, task teams, risk assessments, private sector involvement, frameworks for how natural disasters and terrorist attacks are handled
Pilz Automation Safety, L.P. introduces their new app: PASmsi Mobile Safety Inspector for performing risk assessments on machines - quickly and simply. Free versions are available for iOS and Android operating systems. In accordance with EN ISO 13849-1 and EN 62061 (IEC 62061) requirements, the PASmsi app enables you to perform and document the typical calculations for PL (Performance Level) and SIL (Safety Integrity Level).
Intro to Risk and Failures & Workplace Safety and Health
June 26, 2014
Introduction to Risk and Failures: Tools and Methodologies by D. H. Stamatis and Workplace Safety and Health: Assessing Current Practices and Promoting Change in the Profession by Thomas D Schneid have been released recently by CRC Press.
One in every five American workers will be over the age of 65 by 2015, and one in four Americans will be over 55 by 2020, according to NIOSH’s webpage “Healthy Aging at Work” established in March 2014.
In 1991, the U.S. Supreme Court in UAW v. Johnson Controls established that employers have the obligation to fully inform a woman of workplace risks to pregnancy.