The Center of Visual Expertise presents a one-hour free webinar on Wednesday July 24: “Learning to SEE: A New Perspective on Risk Utilizing Visual Literacy. In this webinar, COVE Chairman and Managing Director Doug Pontsler introduces concepts that help enable workers to process visual information more clearly.
In his mega-popular book Blink, Malcolm Gladwell centers his thesis on the claim that experts come to the point where “they just know.” They develop intuition, based on diligent practice. So experts get the answer without having to go through a step-by-step process of analysis.
A decade-old standard developed to help companies with risk management has been revised and adopted as a U.S. national standard. The new version reflects the evolution of risk management from a separate, departmentalized activity to an integrated management competency.
A work environment may not seem like a confined space at first glance, but the surprising truth is that confined spaces exist in many forms. They are found in nearly every industry. Without a doubt, confined spaces expose workers to very real dangers.
Foot injuries are among the most prevalent incidents in the workplace, with overexertion listed as the No. 11 most frequently reported injury, and slips and trips as the second. The effects are staggering.
Changes in the NFPA 70E 2018 edition include new guidelines for selecting personal protective equipment (PPE) and an emphasis on the hierarchy of controls for risk assessment. Here are the key NFPA 70E changes that EHS leaders need to know.
As a leading source for education among occupational safety and health professionals, the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) has expanded its course offerings in online learning. The ASSE LearnEx program has two courses debuting in March that focus on risk assessment and the new global safety standard, ISO 45001.
Changes in safety and health approaches are needed both in and outside of government. Many established beliefs and assumptions concerning government operations currently are being re-evaluated and questioned. This reset presents an opportunity.
Numerous techniques to assess risk are available. Most formal techniques are based on identifying the hazard (the potential for harm), and determining the amount of risk (low, medium or high) by calculating, observing or estimating.
After an audit at a small Pennsylvania manufacturer revealed some safety complacency cropping up in day-to-day operations, the company reached out to OSHA’s On-Site Consultation Program for assistance. The result: McGregor Industries Inc. has been free of recordable injuries since September 2015, is working to find new ways of reducing injuries and has been able to secure better insurance for individual jobsites.
Dunmore-based McGregor Industries Inc. fabricates, delivers, and installs light structural and metal products for buildings, artistic projects, and anything requiring the shaping and finishing of metal.