In this combination January/February issue, standards and compliance are the main focus with articles discussing the top 10 most-violated OSHA standards as well as lone worker safety, what to expect when NFPA 660 arrives, oil and gas safety, and much more.
In the oil and gas sector, methane emissions from refineries are a particular concern, as they can not only damage the environment, but also threaten the safety of workers and the local community.
Working construction can lead to debilitating hand injuries. Crews can use these safety tips to protect their hands when using potentially hazardous equipment.
Currently designated as NFPA 660: Standard for Combustible Dusts, the all-encompassing standard will be completed in 2024 and likely released in late 2024/early 2025.
People can make relatively logical assessment of situations and information, but we have to be careful of possible biases in our interaction with others.
Within the coming decades, lifetime cancer risk i.e., cancer incidence in the U.S. will increase 50%-70% mainly because of population growth and an aging population.