What’s that one worksite habit that really grinds your gears? Every safety pro has one pet peeve they hate to see but can’t seem to eliminate. Bad safety habits happen on every job site, but breaking those habits isn’t as easy as slapping workers on the wrist or offering them rewards.
Standard 1910.1020 “Access to employee exposure and medical records” is the most important and far-reaching of OSHA’s regulations. When the standard became effective more than two decades ago, it could not have envisioned the explosive growth of global chemical exposure information.
How many times do you hear someone say safety needs to be a habit? I think people who are great at something display more than outstanding habits; they demonstrate outstanding skill. It is easy to mistake a skill for a habit.
It’s our pleasure to introduce this new quarterly column on safety-related attitudes and thinking by baseball’s consecutive days worked record-holder, Cal Ripken, Jr.
ISHN picked out these sound bites from keynoters, speakers and attendees at ASSE’s Safety 2014 national professional development conference and expo in Orlando this past June: