Who is more empathetic e.g., better able to recognize pain in a person’s face, a professional industrial hygienist, or a professional historian? A person’s empathy capacity may be partly determined by Empathy Quotient (EQ) scores.
The Tuesday keynotes at NSC are sure to impress. The morning motivational keynote focuses on “The Human Side of Injury Prevention,” where two of the most powerful and dynamic speakers in the country team up to teach interpersonal dimension of occupational safety. The experts are E. Scott Geller, PhD, senior partner at Safety Performance Solutions, which specializes in behavior-based safety training, and Charlie Morecraft, president and CEO of Phoenix Safety Management.
I say anything close to true global harmonization has a helluva long way to go. I’m not talking about war and peace. I’m referring to the incredible, horrible worker fatality stats that come from China each year, and barely warrant a mention in the U.S. press or U.S. safety press.