Industrial hygiene began as a medical specialty in the early 1900s. Scope creep among OHS pros is occurring now and will expand in the future, too. The challenge for OHS pros, and others, is to know when to expand or establish limits of OHS capabilities.
Understanding macroeconomics is helpful as you advance in your OHS career. Macroeconomics is the big picture evaluation of how an economy works based upon numerous influences at the local, regional, and global levels.
COVID-19 offers great opportunity to consider OHS entrepreneurship. If your OHS job has not been subject to lay off, furloughed, or elimination – or some other drastic change – it likely will be in the coming months.
Reducing workplace accidents, injury, and death is the purpose of Canadian Occupational Health and Safety ("OHS") laws in every province, federally under the CanadaLabour Code, and the Bill C-45 amendments to the Criminal Code ("Code").