The shift of environmental, social, and governance from optional PR reporting to a mandatory requirement has many companies reevaluating how they use data.
Glassdoor ranked the position “Safety Manager” among the “50 Best Jobs in America for 2019.”1 The #1 Best Job in America for the past four years, according to Glassdoor, is “Data Scientist.
Standard 1910.1020 “Access to employee exposure and medical records” is the most important and far-reaching of OSHA’s regulations. When the standard became effective more than two decades ago, it could not have envisioned the explosive growth of global chemical exposure information.
Most companies have data that can be used to prioritize and analyze employees, processes or workspaces at elevated risk. But currently, most organizations must first compile and export their data from multiple EHSQ and HCM platforms and then analyze it outside of these applications.
Investors will have to be careful next year as potential stalling economies in the U.S. and China, along with rising global inflation and tighter monetary policy, could make for a “tricky” 2018, according to Morgan Stanley.
Is there an algorithm to predict the likelihood of an individual sustaining an injury? More than one. Types of software are on the market that can predict specifically who is at greatest risk.
Safety Big Data sets can be used to predict workplace injuries with accuracy rates as high as 80-90 percent, according to a white paper based on research conducted in collaboration with a team from Carnegie Mellon University, one of the leading institutions in the field of Big Data analytics.