D. Bruce Merrifield is president of Merrifield Consulting Group Inc., Miami, FL. Merrifield Consulting started in January 1980. You can contact Bruce at bruce@merrifield.com . As an action step to meet the challenges described in his article, Bruce recommends subscribing monthly to the “Line Item Profit Analytics (LIPA) Management” service from Waypoint.
Three distributor success stories in different channels – steel, industrial-paper/jan-san and fluid power – are profiled in a new book by distributor consultant Bruce Merrifield.
How do we change the way we’ve been trying to change? Here’s a theory: Besides top-down vision and the will to change, we also need to have a “corporate culture” that “enables” change to happen.
The recent acquisition of Hughes Supply by Home Depot set a high bar for valuations of distribution companies. Now may be the best window ever for selling a distribution company.