Coaches and players always carefully review film after the game. They analyze how they did, what they did well, and what they missed... what they might have done better.
While some employers view the aging U.S. workforce with concern, others take a more positive approach and have implemented policies and practices that support a more competitive, sustainable and safer workforce, regardless of its overall age.
For many years, organization development (OD) interventions focused mainly on incremental, localized adjustments, tweaks to the functioning of the organization.
For all the change brought on by the recession and post-recession uncertainty, it’s status quo for most EHS departments in 2012, according to ISHN’s reader survey:
NIOSH Director Dr. John Howard gave a presentation on Tuesday on a recent study of the supply and demand for OSH professionals in the next 5 years. Demand (25,000 pros are expected to be hired by U.S. industry) far outstrips supply (13,000 college graduates in OSH will be available).
Here are responses we received to the blog on former Apple CEO Steve Jobs’s management style and Apple’s corporate culture, both which fly in the face of calls for empathetic leaders and empowering cultures put forth in recent years by numerous safety and health organizational behavior consultants…