Most construction leaders recognize the dangers of their profession – and how inadequate safety training contributes to that danger. But establishing a comprehensive training program isn’t easy, especially with a cross-generational workforce.
An eye injury is painful, expensive, and can have long-term impacts. Yet, studies show 90% of all eye injuries are preventable. With any eye injury, there is always risk of vision loss.
Many construction crews and engineers work on-call or extend their shifts longer than eight hours. While these workers are commendable for their commitment, irregular and extensive schedules are not sustainable.
Working around dusts, mists, fumes, aerosols, gases, and vapors can be hazardous to your health. Employers are responsible for determining the need for using respirators in the workplace.
Confined spaces come in many forms — from silos and storage bins to tanks and maintenance holes. Every confined space presents hazards to those who enter and operate within them.
Eliminating inefficient and costly processes in lieu of new digital tools is one way safety professionals can strengthen their company’s safety culture.
Whether you agree or not with the increasing ESG scrutiny on companies, your business and bottom line are in jeopardy if you are not as attentive to ESG as you are ensuring your workers and contractors are safe.