The manufacturing industry presents a lot of high-risk scenarios within day-to-day operations, from lone-worker safety concerns to the risks associated with operating heavy equipment. Now that the COVID-19 pandemic has changed how nearly every industry operates, there are even more safety concerns to consider.
Friday, March 13, 2020 is often viewed as the day America began to feel the impact of COVID-19. The following week, businesses throughout the country either transitioned to remote work or had to reckon with how to operate in a different manner while trying to protect workers from exposure to the virus.
The coronavirus pandemic has changed the way we look at indoor spaces. The virus can easily spread in schools, hospitals, office buildings, confined areas, and those with poor ventilation.
Many working in manufacturing and industrial facilities are familiar with HVLP sprayers. These Higher Volume (HV) Lower Pressure (LP) sprayers have found several uses since their introduction after World War II.
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” Charles Dickens wrote those words more than 160 years ago, but they ring true today as we seek to protect workers in the wake of the pandemic.
Automation solutions and virtual technologies such as Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are completely changing the way organizations and manufacturers are now interacting with customers.
OSHA’s recent enforcement activity serves as a reminder to employers across all industries of the obligation to record work-related COVID-19-related infections, hospitalizations and fatalities. An employer’s failure to comply with OSHA’s recordkeeping and reporting requirements could result in significant penalties.
When you hear about large-scale combustion explosions and loss of human life, you wonder how this tragedy could happen. And, yet, the No. 1 cause of industrial fuel and combustion system explosions is human error.