The National Ocean Service reports that contaminants enter the environment from a variety of sources2, in addition to the spills that you see on the news. Even perfectly functioning equipment has a tendency to leak oil.
A product to revolutionize data, a more comfortable glove and air purifiers were among the top occupational safety and health products featured on this week.
Hand injuries resulting from cuts and puncture cost the construction industry approximately $382 million each year, second only to back strain and sprain injury, according to the BLS.
Every year work gloves and sleeves improve to offer stronger protection with higher cut resistance and better insulation from heat. And while these innovations are crucial to safety, another equally important aspect of protection is comfort.
A great deal of attention about chemical dangers in the workplace gets focused on inhalation as an exposure route, but skin contact – especially via busy hands -- can also result in significant harm to human health. In many cases, skin is a more significant route of exposure than the lung.
A workplace violence incident claims two lives, a new global OSH standard is approved and the head of the CDC steps down over ethical concerns. These were among the top stories featured on this week.
The year 2018 marks the 25th anniversary of the implementation of permit-required confined space entry regulations in the United States. Thousands of entries that take place across the country every day have become, shall we say, standard.
Hundreds of deaths from coronary heart disease occur outside a hospital daily, according to OSHA, but up to 60 percent of those deaths could have been prevented if automated external defibrillators (AEDs) had been immediately available.