Operators of facilities that generate dust during manufacturing processes often rely on high-efficiency cartridge-style dust collectors. Here are key actions to keep employees safe when operating an industrial dust collector.
Industrial hygiene began as a medical specialty in the early 1900s. Scope creep among OHS pros is occurring now and will expand in the future, too. The challenge for OHS pros, and others, is to know when to expand or establish limits of OHS capabilities.
Awareness of respirator fit testing or face fit testing has increased over the years due to an expansion in regulation globally and from impacts of the global pandemic. Many times, the focus is strictly on two of the benefits, sizing the respirator and confirming the fit of the respirator.
MSHA has launched unprecedented effort to protect miners from serious illnesses such as black lung disease and silicosis. The organization reports that silica dust affects thousands of miners each year and, without adequate protection, miners face risks of serious illnesses, many of which can be fatal.