Judge dismisses Bhopal lawsuit March 28, 2003 Ruling: Union Carbide "has met its obligations" regarding 1984 chemical leakRead More
Look for laws to tighten chemical plant security March 28, 2003 New GAO report calling for a national strategy to address security has American Chemistry Council's supportRead More
Mold worries continue to spread March 28, 2003 About 24,000 homeowners nationwide had insurance claims unresolved as of December 31Read More
First corporate responsibility benchmark published March 21, 2003 Voluntary index published by U.K. group provides companies a "business tool" for evaluating their performanceRead More
How secure are chemical plants? March 21, 2003 No federal agency has evaluated the security preparedness of U.S. facilities, says GAO reportRead More
EPA expert to head OSHA's emergency preparedness efforts March 21, 2003 John Ferris is experienced in community right-to-know issues, chemical safety and risk managementRead More
Get the facts on crystalline silica March 21, 2003 New OSHA health hazard information cards provide info to workers and employersRead More
Occ docs sign on with OSHA March 21, 2003 ACOEM is added to the list of organizations that have formalized ergo alliancesRead More
Big box retailers target ergo injuries March 21, 2003 IMRA is the first retail trade association to join OSHA in efforts to improve ergonomicsRead More
AIHA tabs Davis as new executive director March 14, 2003 Vietnam vet brings 25 years of experience in association management with him to help lead industrial hygiene groupRead More