Are your employees helping to contain healthcare costs? May 16, 2003 As pharmaceutical prices and health insurance premiums increase, insurers urge customers to buy generic drugsRead More
Whither EPA enforcement? May 16, 2003 Number of cases referred for federal prosecution by the agency has been on the declineRead More
CDC issues interim SARS guidelines for general workplaces May 9, 2003 The infectious illness appears to spread primarily by close person-to-person contactRead More
Ouch! NIOSH slated for 10% budget cut May 9, 2003 Bush wants to slash its funding by nearly $30 million in fiscal year 2004Read More
Mad about mold. . . May 9, 2003 A hot topic at the state level, mold legislation at the federal level is unlikely to move forward, says AIHARead More
Campaign aims to raise mental health awareness May 9, 2003 May is Mental Health Month; rising problems among youth is a growing concernRead More
Hunger strike recalls Bhopal horrors May 9, 2003 Memories from 18 years ago of gas exposures, poison clouds are still fresh in the minds of survivorsRead More
CDC investigates if SARS spread in workplace May 9, 2003 Officials are trying to determine if a Florida woman infected a 47-year-old co-workerRead More
Strengthen disaster response, urge hygienists May 2, 2003 AIHA wants a bill that would aid first responders through preparedness assistance and an allocation of fundsRead More
OSHA dusts off two proposals May 2, 2003 Rulemaking records are reopened on proposed revisions to fall protection and slips, trips & falls standardsRead More