Investigation said zoo officials were aware that hazardous conditions existed at the Lion House. Cal-OSHA ordered changes in the setup of the cages and wants to impose an $18,000 penalty.
First Place went to Atlantic Marine Alabama, Mobile, Ala., for turning an old, dilapidated 400-acre shipyard into a clean, tidy workplace that is a shining example of safety.
The annual SPY award is given to the most outstanding ASSE member for accomplishments and contributions in the occupational safety, health and environmental field.
The ASSE 2007 Exposition, which got under way Sunday in Orlando, Fla., has set a new record for the number of exhibitors and space sold, surpassing last year's mark set in Seattle.
OSHA awards funds to nonprofits to provide training and education programs for employers and employees on safety and health topics selected by the agency. Application deadline is July 20.
Bill would require OSHA to issue an interim final standard within 90 days to minimize workers’ exposure to diacetyl, followed by a more comprehensive standard within two years.
As costly and debilitating as injuries and illnesses can be, the field of workplace safety and health should be researched like cancer and strokes are, said a speaker at this week's Queensland Safety Conference in Australia.
Fire swept through the Sofa Super Store and warehouse, collapsing its roof and killing the Charleston Fire Department firefighters inside — the deadliest fire for firefighters since 9/11.
"Reports of workplace accidents from the public and media would be a strong support to ensuring work safety," China’s head of the State Administration of Work Safety said at a work safety forum in Beijing Saturday.
From December to May of this year the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) saw a 71 percent increase in the number of jobs posted on its Nexsteps job board Web site for EHS pros.