More than a week after the Utah mine collapse, crews were drilling a third hole in hopes of finding the men, who may have sought refuge near the back of the mine in search of air.
The overall fatal work injury rate for the U.S. in 2006 dropped to 3.9 per 100,000 workers — it’s the lowest fatality rate level since BLS began collecting data in 1992.
New data from workplace drug tests conducted by Quest Diagnostics indicate an "unprecedented reduction" in cocaine use among the U.S. workforce, the Office of National Drug Control Policy has reported.
Seismic activity has shut down efforts to reach six miners trapped below ground and has wiped out all the work done in the past day, said a company executive.
Reaching six coal miners trapped when an underground shaft in Utah collapsed Monday may take several days, and it still isn't known whether the search will prove to be a rescue or a recovery operation.