A disengaged employee, operating on auto-pilot, wanting to get the job done as soon as possible, is also an accident waiting to happen. These are your at-risk employees.
People can make relatively logical assessment of situations and information, but we have to be careful of possible biases in our interaction with others.
Within the coming decades, lifetime cancer risk i.e., cancer incidence in the U.S. will increase 50%-70% mainly because of population growth and an aging population.
Money is behind the hollowness of many companies’ stop work policies. Sure, if you see something, say something. A change in weather conditions. An emergency situation. A near-miss incident. A lack of knowledge as to how to proceed. Unsafe conditions. Equipment used improperly. All legitimate risks. All often ignored by the workers who have the authority to halt work. Why?
How many safety pros give CEOs a pass when it comes to safety? How many lower their expectations of what CEOs should do for safety?As a rule, the majority of CEOs have no schooling in occupational safety and health. They distance themselves from it, consciously or unconsciously.
When you have a complex supply chain, issues may occur with oversight responsibility for various operations. Fundamentally some of this emanates from the industry’s reaction and response to the promulgation of the Occupational Safety and Health Act.
Many companies are unaware of the vital role job descriptions play and are not managing them with the necessary care. Thankfully, controlling the process is possible when you adopt a few best practices for job descriptions.