Passed Congress this spring and awaiting President Obama’s signature, the Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act1 modernizes the 40-year-old Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) that was the cornerstone of chemical management in the United States
Technology and ingenuity have advanced today where reasonable accommodations may allow almost any worker to be productive and safe while performing almost any job.
This exclusive ISHN ebook identifies the most serious construction hazards and provides protection tips and best practices. We pay particular attention to falls – the number one killer on construction sites.
The United Nations Human Rights Council will release a report in June, 2016 to dispel the “myth” that U.S. women enjoy rights and protections under law consistent with international standards
Welcome to ISHN’s third volume of feature articles and sponsored content pertaining to oil and gas industry safety. Safety and health professionals benefit and improve their safety programs by absorbing the best practices used in the oil and gas business.
The jobs in Table S-4 (OSHA 1910.332) face a higher than normal risk of electrical accident if exposed to circuits that operate at 50 volts or more to ground.
In 2012, 58 million Americans sought an attorney.1 The median starting salary for new lawyers in 2012 was $61,000 and many new lawyers carry student-loan debts of $125,000.2
March 2015 research from the Association of American Medical Colleges confirms that the projected physician shortage is “real and significant.”1 The AAMC projects a shortage between 46,000-90,000 physicians by 2025.