From time to time when I am introduced in public, I get questioned about the three initials that follow my name—PhD. People in my community seldom know I have such a degree. The few that do know sometimes give me their humorous definitions of what the three letters mean to them: Piled Higher and Deeper, Push Harder Dummy, Post Hole Digger and the like. You may very well have some others to add to this humorous list.
In discussions of ethics, we often focus on rules. We analyze codes of ethics and we evaluate our legal obligations. Yet, ethical conduct incorporates three values that we intrinsically understand yet often have difficulty defining – trust, transparency and truthfulness.
San Diego CA - Personnel tracking technology is one of the fascinating research and development progressions on display at the National Safety Congress and Expo being held here in hot and humid (unbelievably) San Diego. For two weeks temperatures in the San Diego area have hovered between 90 to 100 degrees, sending many residents in search of air conditioners, and having attendees walking to the convention center work up a good sweat.
The term hard skills is defined as "specific, teachable abilities that can be defined and measured. By contrast, soft skills are less tangible and harder to quantify. Examples of hard skills include job skills like typing, writing, math, reading and the ability to use software programs; soft skills are personality-driven skills like etiquette, getting along with others, listening and engaging in small talk.”
When it comes to boosting health and safety performance, most managers recognise that worker involvement is the key to success. Positive relationships between employers and employees, as well as between employees themselves, pay dividends and help enhance productivity.