In order for a welding business to stay in business, welders must keep welding or it’s a burn on both time and money. One way to promote worker productivity is to provide them with a workplace that rigorously adheres to a culture of safety where issues can be raised by anyone and, ultimately, resolved with a strategy that the whole team can buy into.
When it comes to workplace safety and health programs, good faith can be the key element that transforms your safety program from a binder full of onerous rules and policies into a way of life and an integral part of your corporate culture.
Prudential Financial is being honored for its efforts to promote psychological well-being for its employees, as well as its work to destigmatize mental health issues within its own work culture and beyond.
As part of the process of continual improvement, it is important that all incidents and accidents are recorded and investigated, and actions are taken to prevent or reduce the chance of recurrence.
There is no universal solution, but hospitals can take these steps to encourage staff to wash their hands:
1. Invest in alcohol-based hand rub. In many cases this is more effective than washing hands with soap and water. When introduced, one study showed adherence rates increased from 28 percent to 47 percent.
The U.S. Chemical Safety Board (CSB) has released a safety video of its investigation of the June 13, 2013 explosion and fire at the Williams Olefins Plant in Geismar, Louisiana, which killed two workers and injured an additional 167. The deadly explosion and fire occurred when a heat exchanger containing flammable liquid propane violently ruptured.
Changes in the workplace could be described as rolling in like sets of waves off the coast. Organizations must be nimble and strong to ride the waves instead of being pulled under. Change is so prevalent in the workplace that SIOP ranked “adapting to change effectively” as #2 on its 2017 Top 10 Workplace Trends List.
We live in an era of dramatic, improbable events that adversely affect the economy, the environment, the fate of household name companies and people’s welfare and health. Or at least they seem improbable until they hurl themselves violently upon us from the shadows of our agreeable ignorance.
OSHA has issued Recommended Practices for Anti-Retaliation Programs to help employers create workplaces in which workers feel comfortable voicing their concerns without fear of retaliation. The recommendations are intended to apply to all public and private sector employers covered by the 22 whistleblower protection laws that OSHA enforces.