The last two years have demonstrated the importance of prioritizing overall health and well-being — and how everyone’s personal and work life affect each other. With safety being the number one priority in construction, leaders in the industry should take the lessons learned to implement a holistic approach to safety, addressing both physical and psychological health.
Many industrial facility administrators have traditionally turned to powerful cleaning solutions. While all of these products and many more have proven their value over the years in helping to keep industrial facilities clean, their big failing is that we now know these traditional cleaning solutions can harm the user, as well as the environment.
Arecent analysis found that 30% of medical facilities still struggle to obtain enough supplies with each new variant of the virus. Inadequate supplies coupled with inflation have shed even more light on the supply chain’s role in saving lives.
The Board of Certified Safety Professionals announces the 2022 recipients of the BCSP Awards of Excellence and the BCSP Lifetime Achievement Award, the organization's most prestigious awards.
Lora Cavuoto, Ph.D., CPE, is an associate professor in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE) at the University at Buffalo in New York. She has been the director of the university’s occupational health and safety training program since 2017. ISHN talks to Cavuoto about ergonomics, wearables technology and mentoring students.
Research indicates complacency results from what is known as “Confirmation Bias.” This causes a person to interpret or look for information which confirms their currently held belief. This is true of just about everyone, when they assess actions, state of mind or beliefs of other people or groups.
J. J. Keller & Associates, Inc., a North American leader in safety and regulatory compliance solutions, is now accepting applications for the 20th Annual J. J. Keller Safety Professional of the Year (SPOTY) Awards.
People have shown a growing interest in finding more sustainable ways to achieve their water purification goals. Biotechnology advancements have enabled significant progress. Here’s some of what’s possible.