The Bombay High Court in January 2016 directed the state government to start a website and mobile application where citizens can register complaints about noise pollution in their areas. The court has also set a deadline of two months.
22 million U.S. workers are exposed to hazardous noise levels at work, according to statistics published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Hearing loss has become one of the most common work-related illnesses in the United States.
We can’t see or smell it, but it’s one of the most insidious pollutants of the modern world.
Noise. Whether it's the neighbors upstairs having a party at 5 am (complete with herd of elephants), or a jet aircraft coming into land with you directly underneath the flight-path.
Amazon Fulfillment Services has been on the receiving end of a $7,000 fine and hazard alert letters after OSHA found hazards at its Robbinsville, New Jersey facility.
A study utilizing investment simulations for 17 publicly held companies with strong health or safety programs for employees suggests that employers that invest significantly in health and safety programming can outperform other companies in the marketplace.
If you watch or read the news, you may have seen images of healthcare providers covered head to toe in bulky garments as they treat hospital patients who have a contagious disease. During disease outbreaks, these garments, collectively called a personal protective equipment (PPE) ensemble, play a critical role in public health.
Our Western regions have been blanketed in snow for weeks -- and after a mild December in much of the East, winter weather is finally moving in. Are you ready?