Controlling construction noise can pose special problems for contractors. Unlike general industry, construction activities are not always stationary and in one location.
The number one concern of small business HR Departments (small businesses typically employing 10-500 workers) is exposure to workplace litigation risks not being addressed.
I would echo that in the next 5-10 years we will lose a very large portion of our experienced professionals. The numbers in my company reflect the same. We could lose 70% of our SHE pros in 7 years. Universities are not able to attract quality students to SHE programs.
NIOSH Director Dr. John Howard gave a presentation on Tuesday on a recent study of the supply and demand for OSH professionals in the next 5 years. Demand (25,000 pros are expected to be hired by U.S. industry) far outstrips supply (13,000 college graduates in OSH will be available).
Firefighters in many fire departments across the U.S. lack basic health and safety protections, adding unnecessary risks to an already risky occupation, according to an assessment released last week by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA).
In what the U.S. Department of Labor is calling the largest gathering of its kind, more than 100 mine rescue teams from around the country competed last week in the 2011 National Mine Rescue, First Aid, Bench and Preshift Competition in Columbus, Ohio.