“Today we’re going to talk about something bigger than PPE, policies and practices. Something we’ve never discussed before. Can’t really fit it into a toolbox. It’s called life.
Workers who are required to do their jobs in extremely hot environments — from construction sites to chemical plants and offshore oil rigs — can be at risk of serious heat-related injuries and illnesses.
Assessing personality types or styles goes back thousands of years. Rob Fisher, a human factors expert, says in ancient Asia, “fire,” “wind,” “water,” “earth” and other terms were used to capture the different personalities of different people.
Sometimes, things just don’t work out. It might not be anyone’s fault — or perhaps you feel strongly that it is entirely someone’s fault — but regardless, regularly working with outside contractors brings about the occasional conflict.
But should a conflict arise, it doesn’t necessarily mean that a situation is beyond all repair.
Growing up wearing sneakers for style and comfort, today’s class of skilled tradesmen and industrial workers are looking for similar safety shoes that echo their personal style while standing up to the rigorous and demanding needs of the jobsite.
IQ may be a predictor of who suffers an injury or illness at work. A 68-year population study published in 20171 found that IQ is inversely associated with all major causes of death, including accidents.
In order for a welding business to stay in business, welders must keep welding or it’s a burn on both time and money. One way to promote worker productivity is to provide them with a workplace that rigorously adheres to a culture of safety where issues can be raised by anyone and, ultimately, resolved with a strategy that the whole team can buy into.
The American Psychological Association will recognize six employers for their efforts to promote employee well-being and organizational performance at its 10th annual Psychologically Healthy Workplace Awards ceremony in Washington, D.C., on Saturday, March 14, 2015.
Leadership style may promote mental health as well as performance
July 18, 2013
A transformational leadership style — valued for stimulating innovation and worker performance — is also associated with increased well-being among employees, reports a study in the July Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, official publication of the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM).