A technology solution identifies risky driver behaviors, elicits drivers safety, and provides high quality video in a compact package. An integrated forward-facing camera captures video of the road, while the rear-facing camera captures the vehicle cabin and driver, allowing for a comprehensive view of critical events.
One driving attitude that can get us into trouble and stress us out is an obsession with getting around the guy in front of us. Do you need to be at the front of the line? Common sense tells us that there really is no front of the line to reach, so to try and get there by weaving through traffic and passing anyone in front of us is a losing proposition.
Have you ever noticed certain laws go entirely disobeyed? Back in the ‘70s when the speed limits were dropped to 55 mph across the United States, almost no one followed the law. Lately, I have noticed a similar phenomenon to the laws regarding hands-free cellular phone use and texting while driving.
I'm a liar. There, I said it. I lie. I lie sometimes when I'm in a social situation and my line of work is questioned. If I know I’ll never see these folks again, I might just tell them that I'm a painter. “I paint houses” I might say.
Most of us know we should perform regular health checks on our vehicles, but how many of us actually do them? When was the last time you checked the tyres? Or the oil level? Or even the lights?
800+ people killed in crashes in 2012 holiday season
December 19, 2013
Just in time for the holidays, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has kicked off its annual "Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over" winter crackdown on drunk and drugged driving. This year’s campaign comes with a technology theme: a "Model Guideline for State Ignition Interlock Programs" that will help states develop and implement a breath alcohol ignition interlock program.
Many feel that it's not dangerous for skilled drivers
December 16, 2013
The U.S. Department of Transportation's National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has released a new National Survey of Speeding Attitudes and Behavior in which nearly half of drivers surveyed say speeding is a problem on our nation's roads, and one in five drivers surveyed admitted, "I try to get where I am going as fast as I can."
With traffic accidents involving people over 65 on the rise, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has rolled out a new five-year traffic safety plan for older drivers and passengers.
I'm not clairvoyant, but I can see into the future and so can you! The second Thinking Driver Fundamental is ANTICIPATE HAZARDS. (Editor’s Note: Visit www.ishn.com for Spencer McDonald’s blog on the first fundamental, “Think and Look Ahead.”)
Great strides have been made in the world of child safety seats. However, the laws and the seat specifics can be confusing. Here are the basics you need to know to keep your little one safe.