New Wave Plastics has been cited for 13 safety violations after OSHA found a lack of training and personal protective equipment at the company’s Cleveland facility, a recycler and plastic products supplier. After receiving a complaint in November 2013, OSHA initiated an inspection of the facility.
A Colorado company and the framing subcontractor it used to locate a damaged water pipe have both been cited for safety violations, after OSHA inspectors found their workers in a trench that exceeded 11 feet in depth with no cave-in protection.
An OSHA inspection at Schwan's Global Supply Chain Inc. resulted in dozens of citations against the frozen food manufacturer, along with Cimco Refrigeration Inc. and Adecco USA Inc., the companies who provide it with maintenance services and temporary employees.
Workers at an Ohio boiler manufacturer were required to operate press brakes and a horizontal boring machine that had the machine guarding removed, according to OSHA investigators, who issued two willful citations for the hazard.
NJ company has “active and ongoing disregard for its workers’ safety”
March 12, 2014
A company inspected in January as part of OSHA’s Local Emphasis Program on fall hazards in construction was cited for two repeat and two serious safety violations for failing to provide required protective equipment and to protect workers from serious fall hazards.
Miss. company ordered to increase staffing, fix cell door locks
March 11, 2014
A company that operates 50 correctional facilities in the U.S. has agreed to take steps to reduce the potential for its employees to be injured -- or worse -- by workplace violence, under a corporate-wide settlement with the U.S. Department of Labor.
OSHA charges company with creating a “dangerous work environment”
March 6, 2014
An OSHA inspection into an incident in which a worker’s arms being crushed while he was operating an unguarded machine uncovered information about two other incidents at the same facility; both of them involving severe injuries to employees while operating similar machinery.
County Materials Corp. cited multiple times since 2001
March 5, 2014
An amputation at a job site has resulted in 18 serious safety citations against a Wisconsin precast concrete product manufacturer – many of them for violations of OSHA’s standards on cranes and derricks in construction.
One of the questions I am constantly asked is “why can’t OSHA get anything done?” A fair question with a difficult answer. It would be easy to simply respond that OSHA is subject to a lot of politics, and I mean a lot of politics. It would also be easy to simply answer that it depends on who asked the question, and more importantly, when they asked it.
Korean-style sauna exposed workers to excessive heat
March 3, 2014
Super King Sauna NJ LLC has agreed to correct all hazards found through a July 2013 investigation conducted by the U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration after a 68-year-old employee died while working in a Bulhanjeungmok, a Korean-style sauna known for extremely high temperatures.