OSHA is deploying assets to flood-impacted West Virginia counties to ensure employers, workers and others engaged in cleanup efforts avoid potential hazards and take steps to protect themselves.
More than 1.4 million workers were covered by visits in 2015
May 5, 2016
OSHA’s Safety & Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP) grants small businesses that maintain exemplary injury and illness prevention programs an exemption from OSHA programmed inspections for up to two years.
In 2012, 58 million Americans sought an attorney.1 The median starting salary for new lawyers in 2012 was $61,000 and many new lawyers carry student-loan debts of $125,000.2
Chemical exposure standards set by OSHAare “dangerously out of date and do not protect workers,” according to OSHA’s assistant secretary of labor, Dr. David Michaels.
With two deadlines under our belt and two more to come, we are now more than halfway through OSHA’s adoption of the United Nations’ Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS).
The future of wearable sensor technologies “may help revolutionize the practice of industrial hygiene and safety evaluation,” writes NIOSH Director Dr. John Howard in a recent NIOSH blog.