Aqueous Film-Forming Foam has saved numerous lives with its effectiveness, but recent studies have revealed just how dangerous it is, chiefly due to the presence of PFAS.
Among the properties of chemicals such as molecular weight, solubility, reactivity, pH and such, vapor pressure (VP) is the most important property for worker health considerations.
Depending on the level of exposure, chemical burns can cause permanent skin and tissue damage, and even death. And a chemical burn injury can cost your company millions of dollars in OSHA fines, hospital fees, legal costs, lost productivity, increased insurance premiums and reputation damage.
Haws® announces the availability of a new line of ANSI Compliant portable Eyewash products to help facilities provide emergency response solutions everywhere.
Guardian’s G1562 portable eyewash keg is revolutionizing the industry. ANSI-compliant as a self-contained eyewash, its versatility and durability make the G1562 ideal for low traffic areas, and where continuous supply of potable water is unavailable for plumbed units.
A worker at a poultry processing plant in Selbyville, Delaware suffered severe injuries in a chemical accident last month.
According to news reports, the 34-year-old employee of Mountaire Farms caused a small chemical explosion when he accidentally mixed two cleaning chemicals together “that cannot be mixed together,” said Fire Chief Matt Sliwa of the Selbyville Volunteer Fire Company (SVFC).
OSHA has released two fact sheets that stress the importance of tracking metrics and investigating potential hazards to prevent workplace injuries, illnesses and fatalities.
An effective HAZCOM program depends on the credibility of management's involvement in the program; inclusion of employees in safety and health decisions; rigorous worksite analysis to identify hazards and potential hazards, including those which could result from a change in worksite conditions or practices; stringent prevention and control measures; and thorough training.
Butte County, California has become the fourth county in that state to ban the controversial method of harvesting natural gas known as hydraulic fracturing or fracking.