The identity of each chemical, and all relevant information concerning the potential hazards of each material, must be clearly posted, and employees who work with workplace chemicals must be trained to interpret chemical labels
VAC-U-MAX proudly announces exhibition at the 31st edition of IMTS 2016 (International Manufacturing and Technology Show) that will be held September 12-17, 2016 at McCormick Place, Chicago, Illinois, Booth NC-646. VAC-U-MAX will be exhibiting the latest advancements in industrial vacuum cleaning for high volume recovery of various materials including liquids, liquids with solid materials such as metal chips and shavings, swarf, steel shot / grit, and various other metalworking and finishing debris; for applications including emptying machine tool sumps, machine tool beds, oil/water separation, abrasive finishing equipment or any application requiring the quick and efficient clean-up of parts washers, rinse tanks, or liquid spills.
When OSHA inspectors entered a New Jersey chemical facility Feb. 6 as part of the agency's national emphasis program for chemical facilities, they had no idea they’d find workers exposed to a substance capable of causing a host of hazards, from fire to liver damage.
More often than not, accidents in laboratories can be prevented and, with the proper precautions and by wearing the right personal protective equipment (PPE), severe injuries can often be avoided or minimized. To generate awareness and offer safeguards for laboratory workers, Workrite Uniform Company presents the following “Top 5” list of laboratory hazards.
In laboratory settings, the frequent use of heat and flame, combustible materials, and hazardous chemicals contributes to a variety of safety hazards that can lead to serious injuries or even death.
For engineers in chemical, petrochemical industries
May 31, 2016
The Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) has established a new professional designation for engineers and practitioners working in the chemicals, petrochemicals and affiliated industries. The CCCPS Certified Process Safety Professional certification allows employers to verify an employee or job-seeker’s proficiency in, and ongoing commitment to, process safety principles and practices and to verify that they are trained and invested in the latest process safety techniques and knowledge.
Among the industries affected by the revisions in OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) is the restaurant industry, where workers may be exposed to an array of potentially hazardous chemicals such as oven cleaners, floor cleaners, pesticides, disinfectants, drain cleaners, soaps, detergents, and latex. These materials can cause everything from infections to severe burns.