About 70 trains rumble through Spokane each day. Since those trains began hauling flammable crude oil from North Dakota’s Bakken region to Western Washington ports and refineries in 2012, state and local attention to rail infrastructure has increased.
OSHA’s beryllium standard, published 11 days before President Trump’s inauguration, is one of the rules delayed 60 days by the Trump administration’s Jan. 20 regulatory freeze and review instructions. Federal agencies are to send no new rules to the Federal Register, withdraw rules sent but not yet published, and delay the effective date by 60 days of any rule published that has not taken effect.
OSHA inspectors acting on a complaint found postal employees in Brooklyn, Maryland exposed to blood and other potentially infectious bodily fluids while handling packages labeled as containing biological infectious materials.
They completed an intensive five-day course in the technical and regulatory fundamentals of workplace safety and health, February 29 – March 4 in Los Angeles, CA.
With the deadlines for “Globally Harmonized System” (GHS) label compliance now past for chemical manufacturers, distributors, and end users, OSHA has some stiff fines planned for those not yet with the program.
An effective HAZCOM program depends on the credibility of management's involvement in the program; inclusion of employees in safety and health decisions; rigorous worksite analysis to identify hazards and potential hazards, including those which could result from a change in worksite conditions or practices; stringent prevention and control measures; and thorough training.
Larson Electronics has announced the release of a new pedestal mount metal halide work light approved for use in hazardous locations and can illuminate up to 18,000 square feet of work space.