In addition to requiring workers to wear the necessary safety equipment, it’s also important for management to create a strong work culture and to show the staff that they’re valued. Here are some tips for prioritizing safety and communication in an industrial setting.
A sturdy foundation is essential in construction to ensure the stability and integrity of the entire building. Similarly, when managers take the time to get to know their employees, they establish a solid foundation of trust and lay the groundwork for optimal performance.
A disengaged employee, operating on auto-pilot, wanting to get the job done as soon as possible, is also an accident waiting to happen. These are your at-risk employees.
When you have a complex supply chain, issues may occur with oversight responsibility for various operations. Fundamentally some of this emanates from the industry’s reaction and response to the promulgation of the Occupational Safety and Health Act.
John McBride knows what executives are looking for when hiring EHS pros. He’s the director of national recruiting for Consentium Search LLC and was one of the first workshop speakers Monday afternoon, October 11 at the 2021 National Safety Congress & Expo in Orlando, Florida.
Unlike other business metrics, safety can impact our lives both on and off the job. To flourish in the business world, great organizations need to also evolve and elevate their cultures by making safety more than just a metric on a scorecard.
Only half of major organizations regard talent management as a top priority, according to a survey of 537 U.S. companies by Right Management, the talent and career management expert within ManpowerGroup.