Call it the law of unintended consequences: the pandemic — which pros will tell you is still ongoing — has challenged EHS pros to use their people skills perhaps like never before, reaching out, working together, and getting unprecedented national exposure.
OTI Education Centers are non-profit organizations that offer training courses on OSHA standards and occupational safety and health topics to workers and employers across the country.
J. J. Keller & Associates, Inc., announced that Sara Wallon, HSE Director - North America with CHEP U.S., a Brambles company, is the 2022 J. J. Keller Safety Professional of the Year (SPOTY) Award winner. William Spreeman, Director of Safety for Columbia Grain International, placed second, and Pam Cox, Executive Director of EHS Worldwide for Verizon, placed third.
Workers can submit their own stories to be highlighted by footwear company
September 14, 2022
Red Wing Shoe Company's "For Work That Moves The World" initiative shares the stories of safety professionals and their contribution to the operations and advancement of our nation.
The VPPPA 2022 Safety+ Symposium and Expo opened Tuesday, August 23, 2022 in Washington, D.C. with an opening address from Doug Parker, OSHA’s Assistant Secretary of Labor. Parker began by emphasizing the importance of making real change means not just focusing on compliance.
This fall’s SafetyFOCUS immersive education experience from the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) will help occupational safety and health professionals advance their careers and keep workers safe in all industries. But there’s only one week left to secure a discounted rate because early bird registration ends Thursday, Aug. 25.
OSHA is old news at this point, especially for companies with mature safety and health programs. For many companies with full-time professionals it is a time of looking inward, internally within the organization.
It can be challenging to build an effective occupational safety and health (OSH) team under any circumstances. But in this competitive job market, you may face new hurdles in recruiting top talent.
Who is more empathetic e.g., better able to recognize pain in a person’s face, a professional industrial hygienist, or a professional historian? A person’s empathy capacity may be partly determined by Empathy Quotient (EQ) scores.
The International Network of Safety and Health Professional Organizations (INSHPO), in collaboration with the Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP), the BCSP Foundation, the Board of Canadian Registered Safety Professionals (BCRSP), and the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP), are pleased to announce a team of qualified experts has been chosen to undertake the study examining the impact and value of using safety professionals in the workplace proposed by the organizations earlier this year.