General industry and the construction industry have a lot in common when it comes to confined space hazards: the potential for fire, explosion, chemical exposure and oxygen enrichment or deficiency.
Finding the right lockout/tagout (LOTO) solution for your worksite’s safety is more than just providing a strong durable lock. The goal is for your facility to meet or surpass OSHA’s LOTO regulations.
Have you heard the term “FR clothing” and asked yourself, “What does the ‘FR’ stand for?” The ‘FR’ in FR clothing means ‘flame resistant.’ By definition, flame resistance is the ability of a material, in this case clothing, to self extinguish once the ignition source is removed. It also prevents the spread of flames.
Moving beyond BBS means using today’s technology to make proactive data real time. It hits the desks of safety staff and senior leaders as it happens and is recorded. This way, senior leaders can quickly intervene or can offer recognition for a job well done.