You probably know that walking 10,000 steps a day is the new “magic metric” for the health-conscious. Ten years ago if you asked someone how many steps a day they should walk, you’d get a shoulder shrug. Nobody counted steps.
For most Americans, December is the time of year to celebrate the holidays with friends and family. Thanksgiving might be in the rearview mirror, but December brings with it many other reasons to celebrate. And as we all know, where there’s celebration there’s often food, and lots of it.
Akron-based FirstEnergy Corp. is tightening its fitness-for-duty procedures in response to a year-long U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission investigation that showed a former licensed operator at the Davis-Besse nuclear plant lied about medications he was supposed to have been taking between February 2013 and July 2014.
Getting recommended levels of exercise weekly may help keep down annual medical costs both for people with and without cardiovascular disease, according to new research in Journal of the American Heart Association, the Open Access Journal of the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association.
“It is becoming a standard medical practice to tell patients to take a hike”
April 28, 2016
Doctors are increasingly writing new prescriptions for an old remedy- time in nature. As part of the burgeoning Park Rx movement, health care providers throughout the country are encouraging patients to use parks to reap the benefits of nature’s healing properties.
When it comes to art, I have a big advantage. My wife of 53 years is an artist, retired art gallery owner and art critic. The other day, she sent me a link to an article in the Guardian titled Art works: how art in the office boosts staff productivity with a subtitle of A bright creative workspace can make employees more productive, lower stress and increase wellbeing.
Study finds devices may decrease sedentary time, increase physical activity
January 26, 2016
A pilot study finds that using smartphone reminders to prompt people to get moving may help reduce sedentary behavior. The study was supported by the American Cancer Society (ACS), with technical expertise provided by the e-Health Technology Program at the MD Anderson Cancer Center.
Scouring the Web to learn new ways to instill better health habits? Trying to find the best health app to lose weight or reduce stress? Or maybe you’re posting on Twitter and Facebook to try to build a supportive community for your healthy goals.
Doubling or quadrupling the minimum federally recommended levels of physical activity lowered the risk of developing heart failure by 20 percent and 35 percent, respectively, according to research published in the American Heart Association’s journal Circulation.