As a young child, I would occasionally ask my parents why I had to do something (OK, maybe more than just occasionally). I remember at a very early age the reason they gave me was, “Because I’m the parent and I say so.” It didn’t matter that they didn’t seem to be brushing their teeth when I did or making their bed when I was told to; even though I knew that they did those things too.
The goal of the first annual Appalachian State University Safety Summit -- June 12, 2015, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC --is to bring internationally recognized experts in behavioral safety to reach out to regional industries and offer an event usually reserved for the large national conferences.
An effective safety program doesn’t come out of nowhere. It takes years of hard work and dedication, a company’s leadership, an engaged workforce and a safety system that addresses all the major causes of injuries.
Zero-injury safety targets are easy to communicate and seem to be everywhere, but such goals can be counterproductive to a company’s efforts if the context in which they are used does not go beyond slogans and good intentions, according to the lead article in the April issue of the American Society of Safety Engineers’ Professional Safety Journal.
The American Psychological Association will recognize six employers for their efforts to promote employee well-being and organizational performance at its 10th annual Psychologically Healthy Workplace Awards ceremony in Washington, D.C., on Saturday, March 14, 2015.
The week of March 16-20th, at the free online VITALITY conference, consultants working with leading businesses, including Amazon, HP, Google, BMW and FedEx, will show why investing in emotional intelligence increases productivity.
Since childhood, we have all been raised by the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Many would cite this ethical code as one of their aspirations by which to live, both personally and professionally.
ISHN conducted an exclusive interview with Bob Veazie, founder of People Powered Leadership, who presented a talk at ASSE Safety 2014 on “Commitment-Based Safety: the Only Way to Zero Injuries.”
The correct culture fosters engagement, loyalty & productivity
June 9, 2014
If you’re the CEO of a company, the realization that much of what you do can be copied by your competitors may be distressing, but veteran sales manager, consultant and business speaker Jack Daly says not so fast. “Sure your competition copy what they can, but there are two things they can’t: your people and your culture,” says Daly, author of “Hyper Sales Growth.”
My friend and colleague, Dan Rockwell, introduced his blog followers to a little book that will not only change your personal life, but might have a demonstrable impact on your safety program.