The issue
At all levels of the organization, Daimler, a motor vehicle manufacturer, has observed an increase in problems related to mental health and increased costs as a result of absenteeism.
As one example, maintenance engineers are particularly at risk of psychosocial stress. The job can involve complex problem solving on a variety of machines, and a high degree of responsibility and time pressure. Interruptions during maintenance operations were also identified as a cause of increased stress levels.
Action taken
To evaluate psychological stress in specific job roles, Daimler developed a new procedure for psychological stress risk assessment, including clear distinctions between external factors, objectively determined work-related pressures and the internal effect of those factors.
To improve the working situation of maintenance engineers in particular, a trained team of analysts, together with immediate superiors and post holders, examined this job role using a standardized analysis tool.
Based on this analysis, it was decided that, in future, supervisors would prevent disturbances during maintenance operations, and areas of responsibility were reorganized.
Moreover, the company medical service and the employee advisory unit, together with internal partners, ran a multimedia campaign entitled “Towards inner stability.” The aim was to involve as many employees as possible from all levels of the organization to raise awareness of personal mental health issues.
The year-long campaign focused on preventive measures and included significant intranet presence; brochures, posters and flyers; an e-learning module encouraging self-evaluation; health courses on relaxation and stress prevention; talks by experts; and a health quiz, among others.