Airline respirators, also known as supplied air respirators (SAR), are used when air purifying respirators (APR) cannot provide sufficient protection from airborne concentrations of the chemical
The 2014 Supplement to the Documentation of the Threshold Limit Values and Biological Exposure Indices, 7th Edition is now available. The Supplement contains Documentation for the substances that were on the Notice of Intended Changes for 2013, with their corresponding values and notations, that have been approved and adopted as Threshold Limit Values (TLVs®) and Biological Exposure Indices (BEIs®).
Welding fumes are composed of metals and most fumes contain a small percentage of manganese. There is a concern by workers, employers, and health professionals about potential neurological effects associated with exposure to manganese in welding fumes. NIOSH has been conducting research and reviewing the published scientific literature to assess this problem.
ACGIH® has released its 2014 editions of the TLVs® and BEIs®book and the Guide to Occupational Exposure Values. The information in the user-friendly, pocket-sized TLVs® and BEIs®book is used worldwide as a guide for evaluation and control of workplace exposures to chemical substances and physical agents.
Most people know San Antonio as the home of The Alamo, but the city holds much more than just this historic landmark. Voted as one of the top 25 U.S. destinations by TripAdvisor, San Antonio has endless dining options, a boot-stompin' nightlife, convenient accommodations, and the premier OEHS conference of the year, AIHce 2014 + Stewardship.
OSHA steps on toes with its grain bin safety initiative, demolition specialist exposes employees to asbestos and the year ends with an upsurge in U.S. mining deaths. These are among the top EHS-related stories featured on this week:
ACGIH® is pleased to announce new members for its 2014 Board of Directors and its 2014 Nominating Committee. In accordance with a 2013 amendment to the ACGIH® Bylaws, ACGIH®’s membership elected three (3) members to serve as Directors on the Board of Directors. They are:
In this case, it does much more than merely hurt. “This case” refers to last Thursday’s (October 24, 2013) rather extraordinary admission by OSHA chief Dr. David Michaels that hundreds of OSHA’s permissible exposures limits (PELs) are far out of date, basically useless, and in fact dangerous.