Do your safety and health efforts have a sufficient number of realists – or potential pessimists – who know the truth on the ground, and will call it as they see it to more distant and pre-occupied higher-ups?
The AD Disaster Relief Foundation is a new 501(c)(3) entity that enables the AD community to support one another’s people when natural or man-made disasters strike.
Environmental health practitioners may perform critical functions during emergency response and recovery, such as conducting shelter assessments, testing drinking water supplies, performing food safety inspections, and controlling disease-causing vectors.
Disaster can happen at any moment in a car, home or building. No matter what the cause of the disaster is, you must set up a proper emergency preparedness plan. With this plan, use your Smartphone’s, emergency lights and safety equipment in ways that will save lives.
San Diego CA -- More than 50 percent of employees say their company is not adequately prepared to respond to an emergency, according to a survey conducted this year by Staples, the office supply retailer, and a vendor of emergency response products exhibiting at the National Safety Congress and Expo here in San Diego.
September is Emergency Preparedness Month. To mark this event, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) announces the new NIOSH Emergency Preparedness and Response Directory web page.