In Italy, tomorrow’s International Workers Memorial Day events will include a MAI PIU’ AMIANTO (No More Asbestos) rally in Rome, promoted by the country’s trade unions.
The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) has published its overview report of the second European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks (ESENER-2), for which almost 50,000 establishments from 36 European countries were interviewed in 2014.
In Europe almost one worker in four (23 per cent) believes that their work represents a risk to their health, according to the first results of the European inquiry into working conditions, presented in Luxembourg on 24 November.
A recent Swiss survey of the working population shows that in 2013 over one million people suffered damage to their health due to their occupational activity. Eleven per cent of those questioned reported suffering from a health problem linked to their work (750 000 people) and 6 percent had been the victim of a workplace accident (316 000 people).
Effort wins European Union Healthy Workplaces Good Practice Awards 2014 – 2015
May 1, 2015
The issue: Siemens is a globally operating technology company but aims to address health management at global and local scales. Recent global surveys on health management and psychosocial risks have been conducted and, at the local scale in Belgium, it was found that about 16 % of employees experience high levels of stress.
There is concern that the management of psychosocial risks is being neglected in a race to the bottom
October 28, 2014
The effects of globalization can be witnessed in so many aspects of our lives, including occupational safety and health (OSH). Firms are facing increasing pressure to remain competitive and, although implementing organizational changes may be necessary, they may result in new risks to workers' well-being.