Despite growing numbers of women in transportation, construction and manufacturing, finding PPE that fits women well remains difficult. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2021, women comprised 11% of construction workers, 7.9% of truck drivers, and 29% of manufacturing employees, and their numbers in these fields continue to increase.
Construction work zones are dangerous. Every day, workers who step foot on highways and roads risk danger from vehicle traffic and heavy equipment. Completing work is important, but when safety takes a back seat to production schedules, the result can be deadly.
We’ve seen the popularity of lighter, more flexible and breathable segmented trim, and more enhanced visibility by integrating LED luminescence directly on the trim.
While we tend to think only in terms of the visibility factor, it is important to remember that the latest ANSI/ISEA 107-2015 standard covers both basic design and performance of high visibility in work garments.
With so much going on, it can often be difficult to spot the contrasting elements. The ability to discern a human being from their environment shouldn’t be as challenging as spotting a chameleon. Of the many concerns we have as drivers, the safety of pedestrians should be a cornerstone.
Ergodyne added new products to its GloWear® Hi-Vis Apparel Line in preparation for summer outdoor work. These new garments provide ANSI-compliant visibility to prevent struck-by accidents and are packed with features to help workers beat the heat. Each item is made of as an ANSI-compliant polyester breathable knit for heat stress management along with other unique features.
The new TruGuard™ 250 Hi-Vis FR Cotton Jacket and Vest from Black Stallion® are a true “first in the industry”. They are the first value-priced FR-treated 100% cotton garments with ANSI/ISEA 107-2015 high visibility compliance, designed specifically for the welding, safety, and industrial markets.
Members of the public and interested stakeholders are invited to provide comment on a proposed revision to the widely-accepted ANSI/ISEA 107 standard on high-visibility safety apparel. This voluntary industry consensus standard is cited in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), which is the basis for federal and state highway regulations requiring high-visibility protective garments for right-of-way workers, flaggers and adult crossing guards.
From the shopping center parking lot to the school cross-walk to the highway construction zone, you will find workers wearing high-visibility apparel in all kinds of settings.