With some of President Trump’s first official actions involving federal regulations and federal agencies, ISHN thought it a good time to conduct an online flash survey to find out what our readers think about OSHA and what changes, if any, they’d like to see happen within the agency and to the regulations it promulgates and enforces.
Calls FY 2016 budget cuts and riders targeting worker health and safety “poison pills”
August 5, 2015
President Barack Obama should veto the proposed fiscal year 2016 funding cuts to OSHA and the U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA), said Public Citizen, the National Council for Occupational Safety and Health (National COSH) and 74 worker safety, labor, good government, public health, environmental and community groups.
Health care workers suffer more injuries and illnesses on the job each year than those in any other industry, but OSHA conducts relatively few inspections of health care facilities, according to a new report by Public Citizen.