Combustible dust hazards are under-recognized in the industry and can pose a significant risk to your employees' safety and the integrity of your facilities.
The Jet-Kleen Series of Personnel Blow-off & De-Dusting Systems is manufactured in the US by Specialized Safety Products and provide safe, economical, and effective removal of residues – such as dust, fiber, water – from people, surfaces, or environments.
As employees begin returning to work, maintaining a safe and socially distanced workplace is at the forefront of everyone’s mind. US Government and CDC guidelines advise employers to ensure workers maintain a 6-foot social distance at all times, and encourage changing workflows and shift patterns to ensure employees are able to remain as socially distanced as possible
Indoor air quality (IAQ) refers to the air quality within and around buildings and structures, especially as it relates to the health and comfort of building occupants.
Metalworking facilities and welding shops must be diligent in controlling dust and fumes containing harmful metal particulate. Fortunately, there are proven controls to maintain a healthy work environment.
Camfil Air Pollution Control (APC), a leading global manufacturer of dust, mist and fume collection equipment, reports that Christian Debus has been appointed as the new executive vice president in charge of worldwide operations.
EXAIR’s new Heavy Duty HEPA Vac attaches to an ordinary 55 gallon open top drum to turn it into a powerful, HEPA quality, industrial vacuum cleaner. The Heavy Duty HEPA Vac is designed to move more material with less wear.