A management system has a place within how we can operate to eliminate variation from the processes that impact the operations of a business. Many commonly known management systems are implemented by EHS and risk management professionals.
Our most recent column (October 2017, pp. 16-17) covered part one (of three) in developing an actionable safety plan. First we described some key First Actions in implementation. Below we describe the three action areas. Part three will detail Sustaining Actions.
We tend to view our own industry, whatever it is, as unique. We’re prone to see our industry as having characteristics that distinguish it from other industries. I am often told by clients, “this business is unlike any other.”
For several years I have been attending EHS expos. They generally are kicked off by a rotating group of speakers who have an impressive list of companies and organizations to which they consult on EHS matters.
It is implicit that any SMS should deliver a number of goals: safety performance, instituting standards and practices, compliance with regulatory requirements, communications and dissemination of information, setting up responsibilities & rights, etc.